As a mom, I certainly know the importance of educating our children about diversity, teaching them to respect and understand other countries and their cultures and customs. Traveling is just one of the ways I introduce my kids to other cultures. This month, EF Foundation for Foreign Study is looking for host families for the 2010-2011 school year and they would love to have your support in getting the word out. It’s wonderful to think that by being a host family, you’d not only be learning about another culture in which you may not be too familiar with, but you’d also be creating a positive view f the United States that crosses oceans and lasts a lifetime.
It doesn’t all have to be done abroad,. You can enlighten them about other cultures in other ways, much closer to home. Welcoming a high school foreign exchange student into your home is a great way to increase global awareness for your family, your schools and even across your community.
EF Foundation for Foreign Study is a nonprofit organization dedicated to encouraging cultural awareness and mutual respect between nations through student exchange. Please visit to learn more.

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