Mama Doni and The Mama Doni Band are coming home for the holidays, highlighting the Chanukah season with four special “Chanukah Fever” shows in the NYC tri-state region from December 11 – 18. New York families can join in Mama Doni’s high-energy pre-Chanukah festivities at concerts in Manhattan and West Nyack . There will also be shows in West Hartford, CT and Hoboken, NJ. Performance details are as follows:
WHERE: JCC Rockland, 450 West Nyack Rd., West Nyack, NY 10994
WHEN: Sunday, December 11, 4:00 p.m.
TICKETS: In advance: $8 members, $12 non-members; at the door: $10 members, $15.00 non-members.
INFO: 845-362-4400.
WHERE: Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Avenue, West Hartford, CT 06117
WHEN: Saturday, December 17, 6:30 p.m.
TICKETS: In advance: $10 members, $12 non-members; at the door: $12 members, $15 non-members.
INFO: 860-231-6316 .
WHERE: Kaplan Cooperative Preschool at United Synagogue of Hoboken, 115 Park Ave., Hoboken, NJ 07030
WHEN: Sunday, December 18, 10:30 a.m.
TICKETS: Synagogue members $10. Non-members $18. Kaplan preschool students, free.
INFO: 201-222-9696.
WHERE: 92nd Street Y, Bronfman Center for Jewish Life, Buttenwieser Hall,1395 Lexington Ave., New York, NY 10128
WHEN: Sunday, December 18, 3:00 p.m.
INFO: 212-415-5500.
The band celebrates Jewish culture with irrepressible zest in its interactive family rock concerts filled with catchy pop songs that break the mold of traditional Jewish music. Quirky, offbeat, and unpredictable, The Mama Doni Band offers up a contagious and unexpected blend of reggae, rock, disco, Latin, klezmer and “Jewgrass” – all woven together with a hip Jewish sensibility.
Mama Doni promises plenty of surprises throughout this year’s Chanukah concerts, including giveaways of chocolate gelt, Mama Doni CDs, posters and free downloads of Mama Doni songs to everyone in attendance. Kids will boogie like a dreidel, air guitar with the band (“Latke Man” style), join in an applesauce vs. sour cream rock-along, and chime in on the eternal question of “Chanukah” or “Hanukah.” Rocking out for Chanukah, Mama Doni & The Mama Doni Band will perform such latkelicious songs as “The Funky Gold Menorah,” “La Vida Dreidel,” and “I Say Chanukah (You Say Hanukkah!).” The band will go all out with a wild bluegrass version of “Honey, This Ain’t Money” (about Hanukkah gelt), and, as a special treat, several new songs will be showcased, including the soon-to-be-famous “The Land of Sufganiyot” (a reggae song about jelly doughnuts). Hip young kids and their even hipper parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles should come prepared to get up and dance at these spirited Jewish rock concerts.
Now on The Culture Mom, you can win A FAMILY PACK OF FOUR TICKETS to the 92nd Street Y show on December 18th. The tickets are valued at $15 each, so that’s $60 for the package. In addition, everyone who attends the concert will get a free copy of her CD Shabbat Shalom.
To enter, leave a comment below with your contact information (email or twitter handle). Open to U.S. only, enter by Wednesday, November 23rd at 11:59 PM EST. Winners will have 24 hours to claim their prize, or I will have to offer it to the runner-up.
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I would love to take my daughter and my niece to see the concert.
I am subscribed to your feed by email.
Would love these tix. Thanks!