As you know, I’m a huge proponent of kid’s theater, so when the writer of a show coming to town sent me information to promote her play, I was thrilled.
SUZY FOR PRESIDENT is a new children’s theater play that emphasizes the fact that we all have quirks and oddities and that’s what makes us who we are – and not only that, that’s what makes us great, no matter what age we are. This play tells the tale of Suzy, a precocious 7th grader who decides to run for class president to put a stop to the bullying mean girls ruling her school. With her best friend, Rhett, and her dog, Potato, she is determined to fight junior high injustice.
In the midst of an internet bullying epidemic, there’s a growing concern over kids feeling weird or different and not fitting in. While many celebrities are stepping up and doing their part, there’s been little emphasis on how to make kids feel good about themselves right now. The play is both timely and important.
The play will be showing at the American Theatre of Actors in NYC at 314 West 54th Street from May 18th – May 22nd. Tickets for adults are $18, and children 13 and under are $10. For showtimes and tickets, go to
Disclosure: I was not compensated to review this show, nor have I seen it. This is not a review.

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