
Rosh Hashanah: A Time to Reflect, Recharge (and Cook!)

rosh hashanah

After I deal with my worry about getting food on the table for Rosh Hashanah this year (brisket, pomegranate chicken, kugel, matzo ball soup, gefilte fish, to name just a few dishes), I need to take time to reflect on this past year and think about the year ahead. The holiday is a time to renew, to realign ourselves with what we really, really want, to think back on our mistakes or errors and make repairs. The problem is finding the time to reflect. Finding time is as challenging as anything else in my life right now, but having the time to make Read More


Empower a Woman w/ FashionABLE

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I've written about FashionABLE scarves here before.  I'm become slightly obsessed with them.  Not only are they beautiful, but every time I buy one, I am investing in a woman. I am helping the fight against poverty.  Just check out the story above, Kalkidan is one example.  Let me explain. In an effort to create sustainable business in Africa through scarf making; instead of making women dependent on charity, FashionABLE helps make women a vital part of a developing economy by employing them to make these beautiful creations and by giving them Read More


Stumped at Holiday Card Time and Saved by Tiny Prints

olivia and max

The end of the year came fast, and here we are once again faced with the task of finding a good picture for a holiday card. As usual, we suffered through the same argument: do we feature just the kids or all four of us?  As usual, we disagreed.  I had no desire to be plastered on a card that would be sent around the world, finding its ways into the homes of our friends and family and ending up on a wall or mantle.  We found our task of finding good photos harder than usual this year.  Perhaps it's because we don't tend to all look into the camera lens at Read More


A Look at the New “Pinkalicious” Line of Toys


A few months ago, I wrote about the play, "Pinkalicious" that I took my daughter to see in NYC a few years ago when she was five.  I described how much she enjoyed watching a play about one of her favorite story book characters.  She's not the only one.  Millions of little girls have been inspired by Pinkalicious, since the first book came out in 2006.  My daughter's world has revolved around the color pink since she started making her own decisions about her personal preferences.  In addition, the series, as well as the play, has taught her the lesson Read More