Moms Judging Other Mom’s Children


I've been reading a lot about moms judging other moms lately.  Well, I certainly have a lot to say about that, although I must admit that I'm kind of past the point of caring what other moms think about me and how I live my life.  I've come to the conclusion that we all have different ways of raising our kids and how we conduct our daily lives.  Whether we work or stay home, it's our own personal decisions and as women, we should stop sitting around judging each other.  Some women are not meant to be stay-at-home moms - I being one of them.  Some … [Read more...]

I’m Not Alone. Just Ask Twitter.

Family Fighting

Inspired by my friend at BitchinWivesClub and her article "School Can't Start Soon Enough," I have to be honest about what's been going on in my life.  My kids have been home full time.  Camp ended.  School doesn't start in my town until September 8th. And to be honest, the time has felt like an eternity. I hate to admit this publicly as I know these days, these years, are flying by.  All the moms around me seem to love the long days of summertime.  No routine.  No schedules.  Freedom to do whatever. Many have gone on vacation over the last … [Read more...]

The Tale of “To Work or Not to Work” on Scary Mommy


I had a very exciting week after having a guest post on my friend Jill's wonderful web site, Scary Mommy.  I don't usually write from the heart on this blog, although I do on occasion, but I tend to do it other places.  However,  I did reveal some of my inner feelings about a topic I've been mulling over since my kids were born this week and was touched by the outburst of comments from Jill's readers.  Most were in sympathy of my honesty, few shocked by my announcement of not ever having loved being home with my kids.  I have been reading the (78 … [Read more...]