
Thinking About The Fault in Our Stars

fault in our stars

I finished the book The Fault in Our Stars in a few days. I have to admit I didn’t know much about it beforehand, and I read in the hopes of passing it onto my 10 year-old daughter who’s an avid reader when I finished it. After more than one attempt to start a book club with the moms of her friends, I’ve finally decided that the two of us can have it alone.

While I found the book quite beautiful, it was also quite jarring and I’m not quite sure whether or not to share it with her. Should I keep the experience to myself and wait a year or two? I’m not sure.  Please share opinions below.

But what I can tell you is YOU HAVE TO READ THIS BOOK.  It’s the story about a young girl named Hazel who has a rare for of cancer.  She considers herself a “grenade that is about to explode” and allows few people to enter her life. At her mother’s urging, she attends a cancer support group and meets Augustus, another cancer survivor, who ultimately changes her existence and gives her reason to live until one of them suffers a serious relapse with no recourse. I won’t’ reveal which one.

Watching someone you love die has to be the hardest thing in the world.  I found this book revolutionary in its description of cancer and the raw emotions that go along with having a fatal illness. Author John Green is exquisite in his use of language and dialogue. The book certainly doesn’t end the way I thought it would but I feel extremely satisfied with his choice.

The question that leaves all of this book’s readers is what will the film being released in June of this year be like? There is apparently an INTENSE love for the book amongst its fans and even the reactions to the trailer has already been documented via video. Green saw the trailer about a month ago and admits he was nervous seeing footage from the film for the first time. “I couldn’t let myself feel anything other than anxiety until the last frame of the trailer where [Shailene] says ‘okay.’ Then I was like, yeaaaaah! I really loved it. It’s everything I wanted the trailer to be.” I hope that you’ve already ready the book, but here it is:

I finished the book crying, I am sure I’ll do the same when I see the film.  The trailer even makes me cry. And it made others cry, too. They’re all on YouTube.  You could spend hours watching them. Like this one.

And this one:

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